Jumat, 04 November 2011


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winged bean (Sigarillas), Psophocarpus tetragonolobus
winged bean seeds for sale
winged bean for sale


Winged Bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) classified plant green manure cover crops and effective because its growth is very fast and included as a binder nitrogen from the air is best. In cultivation, as cultivation of soybean, winged bean requires no fertilization at all N.

Winged seeds are often utilized as a winged bean tempeh, soy sauce. While fruit and leaves are used as vegetables. As the winged bean crops could be an alternative to soy.

Seeds and Leaves
- flavonoids
- saponin
- tannins

Nutrient content:
- calories
- protein
- fat
- carbohydrates
- vitamins (A, B, C)

Traditional societies believe winged bean leaf efficacious as an anti-inflammatory child's ear.


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